10 February 2008

Raine McIntyre, "Crossing Faeryland"

I’m a new writer for Red Rose Publishing and very proud to be here. Since most of you are unfamiliar with my work, and me, I’d like to spend a few minutes describing my terribly boring life.

In my spare time, I work as a Computer Analyst for a large toy manufacturer. I spend my time babysitting websites and troubleshooting problems with them. Like pets, I also get to take care of the servers living in the company’s web farms, seeing that they get the care and attention they need. (Psst! Given half a chance, they’ll run wild, pooping and chewing on all the well-behaved machines.)

I suppose I don’t have to tell you how much of my time I spend fantasizing about things having nothing to do with toys or computers. Although, I do have one recurring fantasy about the toy soldiers in Babes in Toyland marching out to battle the Evil Windows Giant.

In one fell swoop, the behemoth annihilates the soldiers with the Blue Screen of Death. Fear not, though. The toys send in a Trojan horse who wreaks havoc, bringing down the giant from within.

My mother tells me that she shouldn’t have been so stringent with my toilet training, while my kids just shake their heads and tell me to get some sleep. My dogs love me, though.

I have four Yorkies. I had five, but one of them died last Sunday. I cried all day, and then I went to work the next day and cried. I thought that with a pack of them, I wouldn’t hurt so much when it was their time. But it’s like people—they’re not interchangeable.

My love of animals, most especially dogs (and anything doggy like wolves), colors most of my writing. I’m particularly fond of the idea that animals may be like us, but are far nobler.

My Shapeshifters, be they wolf, panther, or dragon, are always the heroes. Being that they’re half-human, however, they do have pack mates who act up now and then. Faeries are the same way, don’t you think?

“Crossing Faeryland”, coming soon from Red Rose Publishing, explores the “what if” world of possibilities of a future where mankind no longer rules all. Come explore the world of Terrantoo and sit a spell.

Raine McIntyre
"Crossing Faeryland" coming soon from Red Rose Publishing

1 comment:

Savannah Chase said...

I love the book cover and a great interview. It's nice to read about new authors and their work.