17 March 2009

Looking at the bigger picture...

I’m often asked where do I come up with my stories. It amazes me that people think that is the hardest part of the whole writing process. I find story ideas in many things: commercials, news headlines, human interest stories, and dreams. I am one of those vivid dreamers who hear the sounds, see the color, and even feel the terror.
The idea for Sweetbrier Academy came while watching TV poker games. It brought images of all those old cowboy movies where they lifted the chips and let them fall. Every time I hear someone say the title, that sound comes to mind. So it wouldn’t have been much of a twist if we had a saloon girl being the prize. So we turned on the twist, what if these were high-end call girls. I know the south had them. SO I started looking. Oh, what a delicious basket I fell into. A Civil War General, General Butler was the commander of New Orleans. He despised the ladies of the evening who rode around in the afternoons with their trimmed poodles in open carriages. He went so far as to band the ladies from soliciting business this way and soon sent them packing.
So I moved my “ladies” to fictional Panther’s Landing and named them after qualities that are strived for, Faith, Hope, and Charity.
The name Sweetbrier Academy? Sweet for the ladies… Brier their business of pleasure is thorny and looked down upon….. Academy well the houses of prostitution in France were called Academies or Salons. So it’s not so much a school as it is training for women to give pleasure… with that said. View the video on you tube at this addy.


If you’d like to know more about my stories and other Red Rose Authors check back on the 27th of March when a four fine RED ROSE authors (and myself ) begin the launch of a new web blog. This bouquet of Red Roses will tell you a little more about themselves, upcoming books, and hopefully inspire you to great heights. As Wendi Felter says, “Red Rose authors write stories with a touch of Class,” and it’s our goal to continue this tradition.

Please visit my site at www.nancyoberry.com and find out about Red Rose's March Contest.

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